Is a exaggerated emphasis on materialistic needs, assets and values. Individuals are sought out to buy materialistic items to fill a void or just .because they want them because them make them feel or look good. This is fueled by constant design advertisements and spokes people who make people think they need certain things, when realistically they do not.
Consumerism has always been around throughout all centuries. It has become more evident over the years, as a result of more jobs, wages becoming higher and the lack of consumer goods during the war made people eager to spend. This is important as it drives economic growth, it helps the cycle continue and improve living standards! As mentioned in the lecture in Stuart time the ‘exotic Pineapple’ where used to represent wealth, as such fruits were a luxury to have!
Adverts are seen as manipulative as they specifically target customers unconsciousness mind and make is feel like we NEED to achieve unrealistic goals and by purchasing their products will allow them to achieve them. By companies relying on out insecurities it makes us all victim to Consumerism, even if you may not realise it! This is called Consumer Capitalism.
For an example an individual with a plentiful amount of handbags ;has seen an advert for a Gucci bag they really like and they feel as if they cannot live without it (due to the captivating advertising). They are tricked into thinking they need the bag, but practically it was an unnecessary purchase it; as they already had enough. This is a materialistic mindset.
I found this lecture really intriguing, as i am already familiar with the process of advertising and the false tricks it plays with consumers minds. I feel like it is a very addicting behaviour to continue to want and need materialistic things to help lift your mood and make you feel better with yourself. But this is all an illusion. By stepping back and seeing things from a bigger picture, really allows you to realise that you should be grateful for what you have.